Say Bye-Bye to Heartburn with PEPCID COMPLETE

There are certain foods that have always bothered my digestive system.  Red bell peppers, onions, spicy foods, bacon, sausage, pasta sauce…the list goes on and on.  I love to eat them, but they all give me heartburn. 
When I was pregnant with Kayleigh, everything gave me heartburn.  Even something as simple as a sip of water would cause me to be in agony for the rest of the day and night.  I would have to prop myself up to a sitting position in bed because it was just too uncomfortable to lay down to sleep.  The heartburn would radiate from deep within my chest all the way up to my throat, and the burning sensation was so miserable.   And yes, she was born with a full head of hair!
Now being pregnant brought on heartburn much more in my life but I’ve had to deal with it outside of pregnancy.  I tried one of those over-the-counter, fast-acting heartburn relief aids, and while it did help almost immediately, the effects were very short lasting.  I’m talking 20-30 minutes, tops.  I would have to pop those chewables nearly all day long to get the relief I needed.  Not only was that super annoying, but they were very chalky tasting, and left a bad aftertaste in my mouth.  
I could just stop eating the foods that cause my heartburn to flare up, but I’m part Italian, so I’m not about to give up my pasta sauce any time soon.  Why should I have to give up any of my favorite foods??  Instead, I’ve turned to a new heartburn relief aid, one that not only works fast, but also lasts all day.  Seriously!   This is why I was so excited to be involved in the Pepcid campaign with Mom It Forward.
Pepcid Complete Heartburn Relief
PEPCID®COMPLETE® is a dual action product that combines an antacid with an Acid Reducer, and it has done wonders for me and my heartburn.  I no longer have to experience discomfort after eating a heartburn-inducing meal, and I don’t have to pop the chewables all day long either.  Not only that, but they taste great too!  There is no chalky aftertaste like that other brand I was using before, and I really enjoy the delicious berry flavor.  It kind of reminds me of cotton candy!  There is also a mint flavor available, if you that is more your preference.

Did You Know?

  • More than 25 million adults experience heartburn daily. 
  • Heartburn triggers vary from person to person, but various foods are a common trigger. Foods can trigger heartburn when the stomach reacts by increasing acid production, slowing down digestion, or inhibiting the esophageal sphincter’s ability to prevent stomach acid from going into the esophagus.
  • Common heartburn triggers include: tomatoes, fried and fatty foods, chocolate, garlic, raw onions, mints, vinegar, citrus fruits or juices, spicy foods, ketchup and mustard, and coffee.  Other common heartburn triggers include alcohol, caffeine, smoking, stress and weight.
Pepcid Complete Heartburn Relief