Lemongrass, Rosemary & Lavender Sugar Scrub

You’ll absolutely love this Lemongrass, Rosemary & Lavender Sugar Scrub!
THIS BLOG HAS BEEN SPONSORED BY NATURE’S BOUNTY® EARTHLY ELEMENTS™. All products mentioned in this blog post were provided to me for free by Nature’s Bounty® for review. This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a commission if you make a purchase after clicking a link in this post. 
Staying at home to care for my 1-year-old son, Logan, and my 3-year-old daughter, Kayleigh, is very rewarding, but often times I find myself feeling worn down and stressed out. Parenting is hard work! In addition to caring for my own two toddlers, I also babysit my 1-year-old and 4 month old nephews three afternoons per week. Taking care of four kids ages 3 and under is no joke! I honestly don’t know how parents who have more than two kids can even function at all. I feel like I never have a moment of peace to myself, so I have to make it a priority to find time to relax and recharge. If I don’t, I get completely burnt out and can’t be the parent that I want to be to my children, or the aunt I want to be to my nephews.
As I have mentioned a time or two before, I am the epitome of an introvert. I would rather stay home by myself than spend the night out on the town. So, when I get the opportunity to have a little time to myself, I just pamper myself right in the comfort of my own home.
Recently, I have been experimenting with DIY beauty products. It’s really so much fun to make your own beauty products. I love knowing exactly what ingredients are in them, and I can tailor them to my specific wants and needs.
Today, I had a little time to myself, so I thought I would whip up a quick DIY sugar scrub. Sugar scrubs are really nice because they gently exfoliate the skin and leave it feeling really soft and smooth. I used a little help from my Nature’s Bounty® essential oils to give it a wonderful scent.
Lemongrass, Lavender & Rosemary Sugar Scrub
Nature’s Bounty® has several 100% pure and blended aromatherapy essential oils to choose from. Their line of Earthly Elements™ essential oils are AVAILABLE AT WALMART® and you can find them right in the vitamin aisle. For this sugar scrub, I opted to use LemongrassLavender and Rosemaryessential oils to give it an earthy-woodsy aroma. I also added just a touch of vanilla extract, which I thought balanced the blend out nicely.
Lemongrass, Lavender & Rosemary Sugar Scrub
I used this sugar scrub on my arms, legs and feet, and I felt so refreshed after. The lemongrass offers a really invigorating aroma, while the lavender brings a wonderful soothing effect. I really like the slight hint of rosemary that comes through as well. My skin felt so soft and a little bit tingly after my scrub, and I felt like a new woman!
It’s amazing how great you feel after taking a little bit of time to pamper yourself!
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed and stressed out lately too, give this sugar scrub a try! It literally takes just a minute to combine the ingredients together, and it will leave your skin feeling soft and refreshed!
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Lemongrass, Lavender & Rosemary Sugar Scrub
Combine ingredients together in a small bowl. You can adjust essential oil amounts to your liking. Store in an airtight container and use within 1 month.
Lemongrass, Lavender & Rosemary Sugar Scrub