Vegetarian Health Risks! Not What You Think!

You Risk Your Health By Being A Vegetarian
I'm going to catch some negative feedback for this, but it's true. Being a vegetarian isn't healthy, isn't safe, isn't easy, or right for our bodies.

Most diet fads are based on ideology, not nutrition. When a person studies nutrition, the only conclusion you can reach is that we are meant to eat mostly vegetables and some meat. To avoid meat is to avoid several necessary vitamins and minerals.
Avoiding meat means you won't get the best source of B12, heme-iron, and the greater than 40 varieties of the amino acids.

But, there are only 22 amino acids!

By name, yes. By the way they are used and molecularly configured, there are actually well over 100, but we only need some of them.

Some people say that the body can manufacture all of this on our own if we eat right. Yes, this is true. But it takes a lot of work, hours of calculations, and very precise eating schedules. It also robs your body of necessary nutrition to convert those amino acids. By far, it's easier to eat them.

You have to make sure you get the right iron from the right plants, lots of yeasts and other microbes that produce B12 (much more than the typical diet), and spend hours learning the precise protein content of all the fruits, vegetables, beans, and other foods you eat in order to get enough protein.

Then, you need to structure the rest of your diet around all of that so you get all the vitamins and minerals you need so your body can take care of itself. And make sure you are eating all of the correct co-enzymes and the right fat molecules to be sure to absorb the reduced amount of necessary amino acids and vitamins.

99.9% of vegetarians just cut out meat and don't do the rest of the work. That's why they are sick.

Did you know that your diabetes risk goes up nearly 10x by being a vegetarian? It's because you are hungry all the time and all you have left to satisfy you is fats and carbs.

I nearly died because I was a vegetarian. My cholesterol shot up to 333. My body was starving for nutrition. In fact, my body was rejecting the vegetarian lifestyle so much that it was chronically inflamed.

Your body actually damaged if you eat a diet that isn't right for it.

We are meant to eat meat, just not a ton of it. If you make your plate 2/3 fruits and veggies and 1/3 meats, grains, beans, and starches, you don't have to count.

You can actually focus on living your life.

Christina Major is the Naturopathic Doctor and Holistic Nutritionist of Crystal Holistic Health Consulting. Crystal Holistic Health helps people, especially women, who have Type II Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure lower their numbers, get off medication and increase their energy so they can save money, take back control of their lives and improve the health and happiness of their families. You can get a free report on health at

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