How Smoking Can Destroy Your Health in 10 Ways

There is a trend in smoking and you can see people smoking no matter where you go. Young people smoke because they get influenced by their friends. Young people who start smoking in their teenage years usually will continue until their adult years. Perhaps you will change your mind and make up the decision of stop smoking when you are informed about the bad effects of tobacco smoke and how it can harm your health in many ways. The following are the 10 bad effects of smoking on your body.

1. Premature Aging
Smoking makes you age at a faster rate so that you look older than your age. Because of the premature aging effect, you will notice your skin developing lots of wrinkles and having a leathery texture. Nicotine is responsible for narrowing the blood vessels on the outer skin layer so that lesser oxygen can reach your skin. As a result, your skin cannot obtain important vitamins such as vitamin A.