Cure Acne With These 6 Home Remedies

Your skin represents the health of your body. Glowing skin shows a good deal of care, healthy diet and hydration. Skin with blackheads, whiteheads and other problems is the indicator of oxidative damage, hormonal imbalances and poor nutrition. Chronic acne and breakouts affect millions of US citizens each year. Many people end up using topical medications to get rid of acne. The safer route is natural remedies, though. Given below is a description of 6 remedies that can help you deal with this issue.

1. Gentle Cleansing
With thorough but soft cleansing, you can get rid of stubborn whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. All you have to do is dampen your skin with lukewarm water. Afterwards, you should rinse well and then pat your skin dry. We suggest that you do twice a day, especially after breakouts. It's not a good idea to cleanse more often or you may irritate your skin.