7 Ways to Motivate Yourself to a Good Workout

1. Chuck all those fashion magazines away

First things first, you are not striving to achieve a healthy and active lifestyle to look a certain way or to become a certain body size. Nobody is made from the same mold - everyone's physique and genes differ. Whatever body features you have, embrace them and be proud of them. Stop reading magazines where every model has photoshopped images and have unrealistic beauty standards. Grab yourself some health related magazines or books to read on to know how you can make better health choices.
2. Get a workout buddy

It is always great to have a workout partner with you whether it is a friend, spouse, family member etc. Having a workout partner is a good idea because you can pump each other up and stay motivated if either one of you does not feel like working out.

3. Load your iPod with motivational songs and lectures

Make a separate playlist of motivational and inspiring songs that would pump you up for an awesome workout. YouTube is full of motivational speeches related to workouts that can keep you running on the treadmill for hours or jogging in the park early in the morning.

4. Build rapport with your trainer

It is always best to build a good relationship with your trainer. Your trainer will push you harder and motivate you to finish that last rep of squats or a 30kg bench press. There are many people who go to the gym and never bother to even have a conversation with their trainers and just do half hearted workouts and leave. You will be twice as likely to stay motivated in the gym knowing that there is someone watching over your exercises.

5. Workout as soon as you can

Head to the gym directly from work instead of going home because once you are home you will feel lazy and won't feel like going to the gym. Most companies have their own gym, so take full advantage of that as well.

6. Set an alarm

Set a workout alarm and reminder on your phone so that you don't have any excuses of "forgetting" to workout.

7. Find something that you love and substitute it for a workout

Gyms are not for everyone and that's OK because there are other options that you can take such as yoga, Zumba or swimming etc. All these are body toning activities and you end up feeling more energized after doing them.

Bonus tip:

It's a given that having a healthy diet goes hand in hand with an active lifestyle but every now and then if you miss a day of a workout or eat something unhealthy, don't let it make you feel guilty and give up. Everybody slips up, you just have to be persistent. And who said, a few cheat meals here and there aren't allowed?

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rahul_Upase/2478258
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9820704